Is COVID control capitalism's plot to tyrannize — or is it just profit-seeking?

© 2020 Peter Free


05 July 2020



Unlike James Corbett and C. J. Hopkins


I have trouble seeing "global capitalism" as having both mind and integration enough to use COVID-19 as a means of enslaving the world's population (for enslavement's own sake).



On the other hand


I have no trouble seeing capitalism's pillaging fingers underlying its failure to prepare for COVID (or anything similar), as well as the Establishment's hysterical fearmongering about the coronavirus.



First, the opposing Big Conspiracy perspective


See James Corbett here:



James Corbett, Interview 1559 – James Corbett Discusses the Great Reset, (01 July 2020)



Similarly minded C. J. Hopkins wrote that:



The genius of pathologized totalitarianism is like that old joke about the Devil … his greatest trick was convincing us that he doesn’t exist.


Pathologized totalitarianism appears to emanate from nowhere, and everywhere, simultaneously; thus, technically, it does not exist. It cannot exist, because no one is responsible for it, because everyone is.


Mass hysteria is its lifeblood. It feeds on existential fear.


“Science” is its rallying cry. Not actual science, not provable facts, but “Science” as a kind of deity whose Name is invoked to silence heretics . . . .


The other genius of it (from a GloboCap viewpoint) is that it is inexhaustible, endlessly recyclable.


Unlike other official enemies, the “deadly virus” could be any virus, any pathogen whatsoever.


All they have to do from now on is “discover” some “novel” micro-organism that is highly contagious (or that mimics some other micro-organism that we already have), and wave it in front of people’s faces.


Then they can crank up the Fear Machine, and start projecting hundreds of millions of deaths if everyone doesn’t do exactly as they’re told.


They can run this schtick … well, pretty much forever, anytime the working classes get restless, or an unauthorized president gets elected, or just for the sheer sadistic fun of it.


Look, I don’t mean to be depressing, but seriously, spend an hour on the Internet, or talk to one of your hysterical friends that wants to make mask-wearing mandatory, permanently.


This is the mentality of the Brave New Normal … irrationally paranoid and authoritarian.


So, no, the future isn’t looking very bright for anyone not prepared to behave as if the world were one big infectious disease ward.


© 2020 C. J. Hopkins, The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism, Unz Review (29 June 2020)





Draconian public health clampdowns, even in the United States, could lead one to lean the global conspiracy way.


Especially so, because the rationales for COVID lockdowns change:



In the beginning, we were told that being imprisoned in our houses was just to prevent deaths and ease the medical load.


Then, when medical practice began learning how to treat COVID successfully and death rates plummeted, this "flatten the curve" rationale morphed into just preventing infections. Infections, many and even most of which, proportionately, seem close to harmless.


See Corbett's video clip at the 17:12 minute mark.



It is the still unknown proportion of . . .


. . . COVID deadliness (and maiming) issue that has people confused.


SARS-CoV-2 is very likely weeding out people with specifically vulnerable immune systems and physiologies. Those folks really suffer.


The unfortunate aspect to this is that we cannot yet tell, who is susceptible (and why) and who is not.


As a consequence of this lack of knowledge, I suspect that many Americans feel as if they are being unnecessarily restricted in their movements and actions — just to protect the probably proportionately few people who are genuinely threatened by SARS-CoV-2.



As a practical (pandemic control) matter


Because the United States did such an astonishingly bad job of pandemic control, COVID numbers in this country are now too high and too geographically widespread for anyone to get a handle on.


We have done the worst job among developed nations, in trying to control the pandemic.


This lapse in competence contrasts markedly with other nations, including perhaps China, all of which managed to confine the virus to geographic regions by doing the testing and tracing necessary to figure out where it was.


American lapses in testing and contact-tracing mean that our entire population is now experiencing the conundrum regarding how to act in the face of the viral pandemic that (from our perspective) is everywhere.


On a related note, given the size of the United States' failure to manage COVID's spread, the US has become a contagious sore on humanity's backside.


Oddly, given the nation's wealth and scientific resources, increasing public fear seems to be the American Establishment's only consistent goal.


Living in America is, as a result, like being penned up in the Notably Crazy Monkeys' House.



Why is this hysterically unproductive American situation allowed to remain?


Money is the answer.



Follow dollars (and who gets bought with them)


Big Pharma stands to profit a bunch from COVID. Or from any other widely distributed, potentially deadly disease.


Politicians also profit, when Big Pharma buys them. Or, alternatively, when emergency-like conditions grossly inflate their visibility, influence and career advance.



A revealing, but subtle example of how this works


Consider the COVID therapeutics controversy that took place over:



using the cheap generic drug, hydroxychloroquine




the still unproven and very expensive patented one, remdesivir.



Remember hydroxychloroquine?


That's the generic, predominantly anti-malarial drug that the Establishment (all over the world) said was not only no good for treating COVID-19 — but was also dangerous.


Keep in mind that hydroxychloroquine has been in use for decades, and it has a good safety record.


So, 'someone' was lying.


And because the evidence with regard to hydroxychloroquine's reasonable safety in treating millions and millions of malaria patients (for decades) is so solid — this Lying Someone (including the World Health Organization) was spreading disinformation on purpose.


My suspicions in that regard were heightened, when a conveniently timed string of bad faith studies purported to prove that hydroxychloroquine was useless or evil, when used to treat the SARS-CoV-2 disease.


"Bad faith" — because these studies were either blatantly fraudulent — or employed hydroxychloroquine in ways that no success-claiming physician had been using it.



And then, a revealing 'oops' was suppressed


Toward the end of June 2020, a French retrospective study added reasonably persuasive evidence that a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin — when employed as physicians have been using them to treat COVID — apparently does reduce illness severity and deaths.




Jean-Christophe Lagier, Matthieu Million, Philippe Gautret, Philippe Colson, Sébastien Cortaredona, Audrey Giraud-Gatineau, Stéphane Honoré, Jean-Yves Gauberth, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Hervé Tissot-Dupont, Eric Chabrière, Andreas Stein, Jean-Claude Deharoi, Florence Fenollar, Jean-MarcRolain, Yolande Obadia, Alexis Jacquier, Bernard La Scola . . . Christine Zandotti, Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, (25 June 2020)



Have you noticed that neither the Establishment nor the Lamestream speak of this favorable review?


Not even after all the previous attention that they had focused on the poorly set-up (or completely made-up) studies that went the other way?


Now, why would that be?





Isn't greed always the reason for the corruption of people and processes?



Recall which COVID-treating drug you have heard, favorably, the most about




That's the still unproven (as of this writing) new remedy that Anthony Fauci, and hordes of others, have been spouting about for months.


This is the same drug that FDA short-circuited its safety and proof of efficacy testing process to advance upon the world stage.



Notice that remdesivir is going to cost a bundle


Not pocket change:



California-based drugmaker Gilead Sciences announced its pricing plans for remdesivir, an antiviral COVID-19 drug candidate, saying the treatment will cost $520 per dose for U.S. private insurance companies and $390 per dose for the U.S. government.


For a majority of people who receive a five-day treatment of the drug using six vials (based on current patterns), the total for patients with private insurance in the U.S. will be $3,120.


For those under U.S. government health programs the total will be $2,340 per patient.


© 2020 Catherine Thorbecke, Coronavirus drug remdesivir to cost $3,120 per patient with private insurance, ABC News (29 June 2020)



Profitable, no?


Can we see motives for distorting data and intentionally increasing public fear?


The more that we goad the public into wanting the drug, the more wealth we grab.



Consider, also, anticipated COVID vaccines


Same profit-seeking.


Same motivation for rampant dishonesty and hysteria-boosting.



After all . . .


One cannot hugely sell what only a few people may want.




Take this, or you will die.



The moral? — In the United States, the public exists only to feed the Profit Machine


Get this phenomenon wrong, and we become patsies with decaying personal health and pilfered wallets.


In the Era of Rampant Avarice, it is wise to educate oneself about the true mechanics of health, medicine and economic survival.


So, yes — there is a conspiracy of sorts out there. But it is the same one that we have been living with — for as long as we can remember.


Money buys science and medicine, as well as politics. These days, that's pretty much all the time.